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 Creating a Regional Innovation Community around Canton, MA



Purpose: The purpose of building a Regional Innovation
 Community around Canton, MA is to foster a dynamic and collaborative environment that empowers individuals, businesses, and institutions to drive innovation, economic growth, and social progress in the region.

By creating a vibrant ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurship, knowledge exchange, and interdisciplinary collaboration, we aim to cultivate a thriving community where ideas can flourish, talent can thrive, and transformative solutions can be developed to address local and global challenges.

Our goal is to leverage the diverse strengths and resources of the region, including its skilled workforce, educational institutions, and supportive infrastructure, to attract and retain innovative individuals and organizations.

Through strategic partnerships, mentorship programs, networking events, and access to funding opportunities, we seek to inspire and support the development of groundbreaking technologies, products, and services that contribute to the advancement of industries and improve the quality of life for the community as a whole.

By building a Regional Innovation Community in Canton, we aspire to position the region as a hub of innovation, creativity, and sustainable economic development, fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and collaboration that propels the region into a prosperous and resilient future.

Approx. 225,000 people in Canton and the towns that abuts Canton, MA

About Us.

  Project Academy provides support to middle-school; high school students and people who are re-entering the work force of learning life-skills for college or career entry.  We also offer after-school and pre-employment programs that build community and company value. Our mission is to help foster projects that give back to the community.

We are a Massachusetts 501( C ) 3 non-profit corporation dedicated to supporting drop-outs and HS graduates that have no career direction to learn skills that will help them succeed in a career or additional schooling (college and career readiness (CCR ))



Items that need to be evaluated




Every problem is an

 opportunity; The bigger

the problem the bigger

 the opportunity.

"V. Kosla"  see

 YouTube video    This


 is the foundation of




Building a local Business Venture theme built around Innovation, Entrepreneurship and the local community Needs.


  • Education groups in area
  • Community
  • Business Council
  • Financial Group
  • Art& Music groups
  • Venture capital 
  • Others

Creating a Regional Innovation Community around Canton, MA







Building your Brand

About You


Building my brand-Who am I?

Focus on What's Right With students & adults, Not What's Wrong, to Promote Wellbeing.

 Young Children learning  

learning about problems and problem solving


Finding the bugs in your life


What Bugs Me




High School learning


Benefits that gets students to be self-directed learners 

  • Project Base Learning

  • Ownership of their learning

  • On-line Tools

How To Think Outside the Box with Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans




Why Canton and its





PDF Document



  Other Innovation



Roxbury Innovation & Entrepreneur center











 Act like an owner



Owners mindset








Project Process



Flow Chart













Speak to community leadership , parents, teachers, School Admin

Community colleges, local colleges






Leaning Team,




Develop charter, Culture to work together



 Life  Skills