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 Reduce the anger between Blue and Red States




AI can help our Society become a “We vs I" Community 






PowerPoint overview (pdf)


Get people to understand the problem in society between Red-Blue states 

Develop the reasoning skills to manage in today’s society and begin to build a set of skills to help solve our problems.

Understand that problems are opportunities.  The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity.



How can we change the political climate in the USA for the betterment of its citizens?   Question asked of AI 

Changing the political climate in the USA is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders, including citizens, politicians, media, and civil society. Here are some potential ways to improve the political climate:

1.   Encourage civic engagement: Citizens should be encouraged to participate in the political process by voting, contacting their representatives, and engaging in peaceful demonstrations. This can help hold politicians accountable and ensure that their voices are heard.

2.   Promote transparency and accountability: Politicians should be held to high standards of transparency and accountability, with clear rules and consequences for unethical behavior. This can help restore trust in government institutions and prevent corruption.

3.   Foster civil discourse: The political discourse in the USA has become increasingly divisive and polarized in recent years. To improve the political climate, citizens and politicians alike should strive to engage in respectful and constructive conversations, even when they disagree.

4.   Address systemic issues: The USA faces a change. Addressing these issues will require sustained effort and collaboration across sectors and political lines.

Support independent media: A free and independent media is critical for holding politicians accountable and informing citizens about important issues. Citizens should support reputable news sources and demand accountability from media outlets that engage in partisan or sensationalized reporting 

These are just a few potential ways to improve the political climate in the USA. Ultimately, it will require sustained effort and collaboration from all stakeholders to create a more equitable, transparent, and inclusive political system that serves the needs of all citizens.


One method for change:

Setting Measurements ... You get What You Measure
  • Look to Business ---

  • The Balance Scorecard

  • Setting Goals & Measure with

  • feedback    










Measurements Description
Ethnical measurements





No personal attacks  Civility  (respectful and constructive dialogue )

Explaining their reason behind decisions.  Transparency of thought-(promote transparency in decision-making and accountability)

Listening to others that have different opinions. Curiosity - (promote open dialogue and collaboration) Represent 100% of your constituents

Embrace diversity of thought

Look for compromise … Common ground- (to promote creative problem-solving and a willingness to explore different options and alternatives. )


Goals for Society

How to focus on your study

 The country becoming more productive

 Increase Innovation in Society

New company formed>4%/yr

 Safer in the USA

Killings & Suicide <4%/yr

 Growing Economy >4%/yr


  Better health and housing for all citizens



Their track record on delivering on their promises from their previous campaigns  
Helping society to become a "we versus I" society:

Look to core values:

Trust, Respect, Empathy, Listening, Independence,  Collaboration, Kindness,
Taking Risks, Boldness, Creativity,
Learning attitude, Work ethics,
Communications skills, Decision making, Financial literacy, Time management  




The United States is in the process of reckoning with many forms of social division, but it is also facing a moment of immense possibility. With deepening divides occurring and being fomented across racial, religious, socioeconomic, partisan, and geographic lines, trust in others has declined and members of distinct groups are more isolated from each other than ever. Many forces seek to exploit these vulnerabilities and stoke fear and anxiety about group differences. Yet our nation’s history shows us that, even in the midst of these challenges, Americans from all walks of life have found ways to come together across lines of difference to solve critical community problems.


Example of a scoring sheet(PDF)
Benefits of Measurements:
1. First, the Political scorecard brings together disparate elements of a society’s competitive agenda in a single report.
2. Second, by having all important operational metrics together, citizens are forced to consider whether one improvement has been achieved at the expense of another.












































































How can we get the elected Politicians to reduce the angered between Blue and Red States ?Question asked of AI

Reducing anger and polarization between Blue and Red States is a complex and ongoing issue that will require multiple approaches. However, there are several steps that can be taken to encourage elected politicians to address this issue:

1.   Encourage politicians to prioritize bipartisanship: Elected officials should prioritize working across party lines and finding common ground to address the challenges facing the country. Encourage politicians to reach across the aisle and engage in civil dialogue with colleagues from both parties.

2.   Advocate for electoral reform: The current political system can reinforce polarization by rewarding extreme positions and discouraging compromise. Advocate for electoral reform, such as ranked-choice voting or non-partisan redistricting, that promotes competition and encourages politicians to appeal to a broader range of voters.

3.   Encourage media literacy: The media landscape has become increasingly polarized, with many news outlets catering to specific partisan audiences. Encourage politicians to promote media literacy and critical thinking skills to help voters evaluate news and information more objectively.

4.   Foster civil dialogue: Encourage politicians to engage in civil dialogue with constituents and colleagues from both parties. Promote the use of respectful language and constructive debate to find solutions to the country's challenges.

5.   Address the underlying causes of polarization: Polarization is often fueled by social and economic factors, such as inequality and declining trust in institutions. Encourage politicians to address these underlying causes through policies that promote social and economic mobility, strengthen institutions, and promote diversity and inclusion.

It's important to recognize that reducing polarization is a long-term process that requires sustained effort and commitment from all stakeholders, including politicians, media outlets, civil society organizations, and individuals. By advocating for bipartisanship, electoral reform, media literacy, civil dialogue, and addressing underlying causes of polarization, we can encourage elected politicians to work towards reducing anger and polarization between Blue and Red States.


AI Documents (PDF)
Measurements for Politicians
Red-Blue Discussion-AL
What is AI
Politician update-3272923
Example of a political assessment output-4/13/2023
Political Balance Scorecard









How do you see things changing for the better in the USA between the
 divided political parties
Question asked of AI

Major Items


Building Trust

: One of the biggest obstacles to cooperation between the parties is a lack of trust. Both sides need to be willing to listen to each other, find common ground, and work towards shared goals. This will require honest dialogue and a willingness to compromise

Promoting Civility

Political discourse in the USA has become increasingly uncivil in recent years, which has only served to deepen the divide between the parties. Leaders on both sides need to promote a culture of civility and respect, and discourage inflammatory rhetoric and personal attacks.

Focusing on Shared Goals



: While the parties may have different approaches to achieving their goals, they likely share many of the same objectives. By focusing on areas of common ground, such as economic growth, job creation, and national security, the parties can find ways to work together and build consensus.


Polarization – TikZ.netReducing Polarization
Polarization – TikZ.net

The political divide in the USA has been exacerbated by a number of factors, including media polarization, gerrymandering, and the rise of social media. Addressing these underlying factors will require a concerted effort by both parties to promote a more balanced and diverse media landscape, reform the electoral process, and encourage responsible social media use.

Encouraging Civic Engagement


: Finally, one of the best ways to bridge the political divide is to encourage greater civic engagement among all Americans. When citizens are actively involved in their communities and engaged in the political process, they are more likely to understand and appreciate different perspectives, and to work towards common goals

Another method to reduce the power of political parties running the Show ---Ranked Choice Voting





Problem with present day voting across the country

Primary Voting System (Run by the Two Parties)

Monopoly Politics 2024 - FairVote  Our 2024 projections suggest that 85% of seats are “safe” for one party, and another 9% favor one party, leaving only 6% of seats as true toss-ups. The 85% share of safe seats is the highest in the 25-year history of Monopoly Politics. 

Image result for rank choice voting explained


Ranked Choice Voting - FairVote


Image result for Rank Choice Voting Icon










 Process and Measurements

  • We have a problem in the USA

  • What is it?

  • What should our Solution be? Does it fit?

  • How would we Implement the Solution

  • How do we Track the Results

You Get What You Measure



How do we manage ourselves?